Katia Matuschak, 18, a Romanian ex-au pair is now adrift in London. She befriends Bob Reid, a seemingly friendly tattoo artist but Bob is not who he seems to be. His life is spiraling out of control and in his final attempt to fulfill his dream he kidnaps her, intending her to be his muse for his lasting work of art. Her body will be his canvas. 无法呼吸的炽热甜蜜画涯叫什么樱花飞舞的3月25日,完成了一学期学业的午后。高二学生阿良良木历(神谷浩史 配音)从优等生羽川翼(堀江由衣 配音)那里听说了本町出现吸血鬼的传言。当晚,历在地铁站台见到了一个血淋林的女人。她四肢全无,痛苦求救。而女人的身后则站着一个金色头发却目光阴冷的身影,那难道就是传言中的吸血鬼?在这个夜晚,历与活了500年的吸血鬼姬丝秀忒•雅赛劳拉莉昂•刃下心(坂本真绫 配音)完成了命运的相逢…… 本片根据西尾维新的轻小说改编,将以剧场版三部曲的形式上映。