影片讲述了讲述了时隔十二年后,女主人公陆妍对青春岁月以及那些岁月里陪伴她的姐妹们的无比怀念,借由姐妹之一的夏小小的婚礼,与当年的其他姐妹重聚的故事。录制婚礼VCR时四姐妹都假装矜持道貌岸然,但随着主角陆妍的深入回忆,通过好姐妹帮忙疯狂追初恋时囧态百出接连失败,与最强情敌“杀马特天团”对战等一系列状况后,每个人癫狂的一面显露无余,姐妹间的友谊也进一步加固。经历了成年后的生活压力后,几位美女放下矜持,在好姐妹的婚礼上跳了一场劲爆的钢管舞,重燃青春时的活力....女世子小说叫什么名字Raynor is an undercover narcotics cop. For his next assignment he chooses the more inexperienced but tough and good-looking Kristen. Their ultimate target is Gaines, a renowned but very elusive drug dealer. While doing their work they unexpectedly fall into a morase of drug-addiction and fall in love with each other. Despite subjecting themselves to the life of low class, one track junkies they do not get the evidence they want to convict Gaines, and instead are forced into using false evidence in court.