□p□□《诡□之主》中,□蒙标志□的特征就是□眼(🔗)戴单片眼镜。阿蒙分身无(🐄)数□随□寄生以□□图入侵源堡□种种行为□人印□深刻,其□场□备□□右眼戴单片眼镜”□是成为不少读者熟□的标志□语句之一□🦅□。比□□□些场□中...等□动漫的同时,也可□点击下方链接来阅读《全(🥖□...T□e plot is□set□du□ing the□Ba□kan war□in □he early ninet□es. Haunt□d□by horrible nigh□mares, Har□an Draka □□n□ers the countryside, sham□□□ssly m□□□n□ money prete□ding □□ be a Dam□yr (hal□-h□man and □alf-vam□i□e) rid□ing villages o□ □□at the v□llagers naively be□ieve□to□be evil □onsters. But, wh□n□he is sum□□ned by s□ldi□rs□who are □n□□r attack by rea□ vamp□res, Harlan□find□ out the truth: he□is a □a□pyr.□□hile t□y□n□ to destroy a terrible□Mas□er□of□□he□Nig□t, he □□ll h□ve to learn □o □an□ge his p□□ers and find out more about his origins.