Tom, a high school senior who is required by his father to find a new residence within 2 weeks, finds himself in a demanding relationship with a fashion photographer who is older than him, while secretly being in love with his close friend Gilad. 绝色双娇2为什么换男主鍦板潃(鍦ㄥ摢閲?:涓婃捣鍖楀煄涓栫邯閲戞簮澶чキ搴?KTV浣嶄簬涓婃捣甯傞暱涓板幙閲戞簮澶ч亾1鍙峰寳鍩庝笘绾噾婧愬ぇ楗簵璐?灞備粙缁?鏍囩: 浼戦棽濞变箰 瀹ゅ唴濞变箰 KTV 鎺ㄨ崘鑿? 鐢佃瘽:璇勮(鎬庝箞鏍?鎬庢牱,濂戒笉濂?鍙g): 璇勮鏁?