日本军方为侵华做准备,派遣日本商会进驻广州,一面贿赂军阀,收集情报,成立杀手组织暗杀反日人士,一面走私鸦片,大肆敛财,叶问继任佛山警察局侦缉队队长,立案侦查,本以为依靠法律可以匡扶正义,却遭受上级和日本商会的打压,叶问只能晚上化身黑衣侠维持正义,然而日本商会已然发现叶问身份,布下天罗地网......running man E604这几天,不但被一些小兽袭扰,还不断被木灵折磨,他的精神,也因此一直处于高度紧张的状态,根本就没休息好。
The main character is obsessed with gambling. He earns a lot of money on his little weakness - the murder of elderly, but very rich widows. Yes, even ... He did not just kill them. First, he makes love with them, then kills, and after that or eats them, or digs into the concrete.