Jimmy Sutton, tricky publicist for Consolidated Pictures, fetches teacher Trudi Hovland from snowy Minnesota to sunny Hollywood to test for the film of the best-seller "Girl of the North" - having come 436th in a competition several years earlier she is now next choice as leading lady. She gets the part, but despite his own growing attraction for her Jimmy deviously manufactures a romance between her and Roger Maxwell, a new star who desperately needs to pep-up his image. 逃脱本色3-3攻略鍦板潃:涓婃捣甯傚槈瀹氬尯鍙跺煄璺?18鍙峰槈绂惧ぇ鍘?23 鍒嗙被:瑁呮舰璁捐鍏徃 鍙g45108 10 涓婃捣鑷撮煹瑁呴グ璁捐宸ョ▼鏈夐檺鍏徃 鍦板潃:涓婃捣甯傝櫣鍙e尯鏇查槼璺?67鍙?03-504 鍒嗙被:瑁呮舰璁捐鍏徃 鍙g489