Over sixty years after the end of World War II, recently declassified documents and contemporary experiments offer insight into a multitude of attempts at assassinating one of the most feared and despised dictators of the 20th Century. As the Nazi war machine spread terror and death across Europe, there were at least forty-two documented plots to kill Adolf Hitler and bring his regime crumbling to the ground. But who were the men that offered to lay their own lives on the line for the sake of killing one of history's most despised tyrants, and just how did they plan on accomplishing such a formidable feat? In this documentary, the filmmakers at National Geographic offer detailed insight into the forty-two assassination plots that may have altered the course of history had they actually succeeded. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide 从最近的一堆已解密的绝密档案中,发现有多达42次试图刺杀德国独裁者-希特勒的行为,最著名的莫过于1944年7月20日的施陶芬伯格事件,当然最终还是成功的几乎没有。了跟随这个节目,让我们来了解了解当年的历史始末吧。 七夫人结局是什么“第一环节是对诗,我们出上半阙,大家用手机对下半阙,主要考验大家对诗词基础的掌握能力。按对错和对诗的速度进行评选,五十进二十,剩余三十人淘汰。”
故事发生在上世纪20年代末,默默无闻的文学青年托马斯(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)来到了世界文化的中心纽约,他的兜里揣着他撰写的自传体小说,这本小说被一位名叫麦克斯(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰)的编辑相中了,要知道,麦克斯可是曾经挖掘出菲兹杰拉德、海明威等大文豪的伯乐。 在对小说进行了大刀阔斧的改动之后,文本最终顺利出版,被取名《天使,望故乡》,小说一经出版,瞬间就点燃了文学界的热情,托马斯也一跃成为了圈内炙手可热的新星。之后,托马斯开始和麦克斯合作打造下一部作品,在此过程中,两人越发亲密的关系让托马斯的女友艾琳(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)心中亮起了警灯。