韓國BL新星金泰煥、韓賢俊主演。母胎單身的智宇,選修了「曖昧講座」課程,沒想到學長竟找了他來搭檔,這名前輩不僅長得帥,是校園裡的風雲人物,還意外對智宇好的不得了。這分明只是一堂教你談戀愛的課,為什麼會對學長出現曖昧心動的感覺?「曖昧講座」真的能激發愛的魔力?成為真正的愛情? ☆陽光的他遇上冷傲的他,最新高顏質CP ☆曖昧愛情講座開課,每分每秒都心動甜蜜威尼斯激情干红葡萄酒简介Ethan and his best friend Justin are students trying to make sense of their high school existence. In what will be the last chapter of their teenage lives and the beginning of adulthood beyond, they decide to make the ultimate senior video in the search for answers. Exploring teenage suburbia in a no-brakes adventure, questions arise whether there’s more to their lives than simply growing up.